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T-Series Stageworks Academy

Lucknow Branch

Rules & Regulations


  1. Students are expected to conduct themselves in high professional standard holding the dignity of the institute and the profession.
  2. Students must be punctual. Attendance of 75% is must in order to be eligible for the prestigious diploma/certificate.
  3. Events, functions, workshops and stars/celebrities visit/interaction with the students are the extension part of the course curriculum.
  4. TSA educational trip to Mumbai is a part of our course curriculum for advance singing batch. TSA shall only arrange the specialized interactive session with celebs/ industry experts in Mumbai for its students. However, the students shall bear the expenses related to travel, stay and food by their own.
  5. TSA shall liable only for conducting the interactive sessions with celebs/ industry experts in Mumbai during the educational trip.
  6.  Following points must be taken care of by the students to complete the eligibility criteria to get the prestigious certificate/diploma.
  7. It is mandatory to attend the practical classes.
  8. It is compulsory to participate in all the designated student-productions which carry marks for the eligibility criteria.
  9. Students will have to clear all practical, written and oral examinations.
  10. Students have to pay all the financial obligations towards TSA before the scheduled time.
  11. Students won’t be allowed for productions and other activities without fulfilling the financial obligations towards TSA.
  12. All productions and other media products done by students in the academy are sole property of T-Series StageWorks Academy. A copy of the students’ production, if it is subject to the mark, can be provided to the concerned student after passing out and fulfilling all norms. 
  13. Students will have to abide by the production rules which shall be provided to students prior to each production. Separate production rules will be given to the students for each project.
  14. Students are required to deposit 50% fee before session starts.
  15. Fee and other charges once paid are non-refundable.
  16. T-Series StageWorks Academy reserves all rights to make any changes/up-gradation in course curriculum, faculty, fee structure or training schedule in any academic session which it deems fit.
  17. The institute  shall  give placement Assistance but  NO guarantee of placement to the students after completing their respective courses.  


  1. All students must go through the rules and regulations at the time of joining.
  2. Students are strictly prohibited from indulgence in ragging, physical or mental harassment in any form. It is hereby informed that ragging in any form is a punishable offence as per the directive of the honorable Supreme Court of India.

Please read these terms carefully before using the online payment facility. Using the online payment facility on this website indicates that you accept these terms. If you do not accept these terms do not use this facility.

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